
Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Who Is Cooper

 Who Is Cooper

Today we went on to this google doc and find out some stuff about Cooper like what does he look like and what does he like to do. This is what I have found out about him

Source: I have found this information from Cooper's blog.

Question: Is there anything else there is for me to found out about Cooper.    

Monday, 10 May 2021

Be On Time

 Being On Time

Transitions: why it's so important for social workers to be on time -  Social work with adults
This week our value is being on time. This google drawing is about what happens when you are late to the places you need to be and what happens when you are on time to the places you need to go.

Reflection: I have always tried to get to my soccer and school early but it is hard because in the morning I just fall asleep as soon I wake up.   

Question: How do you think I can be on time and get to the places I need to be at early?

Friday, 7 May 2021

Have Fun And Celebrate With Others

 Have Fun And Celebrate With Others

Every week we have a  different value this week our value is to have fun and celebrate with others. This slide tells you what have fun and celebrate with others mean.

This has helped me talk more to the people in my class that I don't normally talk to.

How do you think I can have fun and celebrate with others?

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Community Check

 Community Check

A Community is a group of people that live in the same area as each other. Like Family or a country.   Divi Meetup Network Community Update: May 2020 | Elegant Themes Blog

Thriving communities have active members, each with roles and responsibilities

Active means people who move around and help around and do stuff for our communityActive in the Community - Monash Aquatic & Recreation Centre

Member means someone that's in a group or a community and they do stuff for their group and community to help.
I will Add 5000 Facebook Group Members for $5

Thriving means Healthy, Growing, Getting bigger/Developing. 

  Five steps to a thriving business

S.M.A.R.T Goals

 S.M.A.R.T Goals

On Tuesday we made goals that we have to reach by the end of the term. We have made goals for Reading, Writing, Maths and other goals like run for a long time without stopping or trying to get better at a sport or something. These are my goals for the term.

What Do S.M.A.R.T Goals mean. The S for S.M.A.R.T Goals means Specific so when you tell someone your goal make it more specific. Instead of saying like I want to get better at my writing make it better and say something like I want to be able to make my writing more interesting and use punctuation or something. The M for S.M.A.R.T Goals stands for Measurable Can your goals be measured. If you say you want to get better at soccer or something you won't know what that looks like but if you say you want to get a certain amount of goals or a certain amount of try's you will know what that looks like. The A for S.M.A.R.T Goals stands for Attainable. Can you physically achieve these goals so can you actually do these goals? they have to be possible to do they cant be impossible otherwise there are no goals to achieve. The R for S.M.A.R.T Goals stands for Realistic Don't make a goal that will discourage you from trying to achieve it. The T for S.M.A.R.T Goals stands for Time. Does your goal have a start date and a finish date?